Bad manners.

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Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake

Polish children are reported as being better behaved, to such a degree that they improve behaviour among British kids at schools in the UK.

A daily mail link!!!??? :ohmy:


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds

Polish children are reported as being better behaved, to such a degree that they improve behaviour among British kids at schools in the UK.

A) That report is three years old.
B) Mathematics was the biggest beneficiary - lack of English doesn't really impair mathematical progress. Writing coherent English is essential for the text dense responses needed for some of the other subjects.
C) There was no mention of the levels of attainment reached. It could well be that they raised grades at the bottom to mid-range grades and there was not an even distribution of raised attainment throughout the ability range.
D) My school's experience of Polish children does not reflect the claim made by the Daily Mail. They are no better or worse than their Yorkshire peers.

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
I so frequently come up against rude and bad mannered individuals that frankly, it makes me want to become a recluse and live on a deserted island.
Wouldn't be so bad, but these people make me so cross that I then feel really grumpy for a while - which is not good.
Just been in a fracas with a queue jumper in a shop, should I have just let her?
I sometimes wish I lived on another planet due to the rude behaviour of some of my fellow humans. I've lost count of the number of times I've been in shops, banks, railway stations, doctors surgeries etc where you get those signs that say 'Our staff will not tolerate violent behaviour etc...'. Has society really degenerated into this?. I blame Thatcher for creating the selfish '' society:cursing:.

Queue jumpers - step back several feet from them. When they ask why you did so, just reply that you're making room for their ego:laugh:


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I sometimes wish I lived on another planet due to the rude behaviour of some of my fellow humans. I've lost count of the number of times I've been in shops, banks, railway stations, doctors surgeries etc where you get those signs that say 'Our staff will not tolerate violent behaviour etc...'. Has society really degenerated into this?. I blame Thatcher for creating the selfish '' society:cursing:.

Queue jumpers - step back several feet from them. When they ask why you did so, just reply that you're making room for their ego:laugh:

They were around long before Thatcher.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Thatcher was year zero.. or didn't ya know? ;)

Only to the young and impressionable.


Excellent work by the young Marmion!
The young Foodies were forever coming back from their part-time work in Waitrose complaining about how rude the customers were and often the 'posher' they were the worst their demands as if they were entitled to another level of service.
Sweeping generalisation!


If you don't think it's rude why are you whining about it?
I thought you were the one that was whining about @gbb post? And then you lost your rag and moved from calling his post silly all the way (and it's a long way) to racist?

I am right in thinking that this Glenn geezer is a teenager with angst and acne, right?
But his avatar suggest otherwise?
Is he hiding his teenage angst behind an old farts avatar?
moved from calling his post silly all the way (and it's a long way) to racist?

It's not my opinion. Saying that people behave badly because they come from a certain area is racist. It's a sweeping generalisation. If you disagree explain why.


@Fab Foodie Really? You'll have to ask them yourself ....

Ask who? How can you tell how posh they are? The more demanding, the posher the accent? I doubt that there are varying levels of posh accents.
Is it possible that I wasn't being serious, maybe just a touch of Irony. The exclamation marks being the clue!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Smutmaster General
[QUOTE 3720968, member: 259"]People here don't queue up in shops, they just stand around, but they have a highly developed sense of who has the right to be served next, and woe betide anyone who tries to get served out of turn![/QUOTE]
You sure there isn't a number/ticket system you were hitherto unaware of? Like in Argos?
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