Have you had a hand written letter from a Jehovah's Witness ?

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Never had a letter but we were called upon by JWs while staying at a villa in the Portuguese mountains of the algarve. Up a long drive, well away from the road. Two years in a row! I was tempted, second year, to tell them we were planning a Satanic mass that evening if they wanted to call back


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
I don't know anything about their beliefs but they always seem polite, unlike the aggressive packs of household goods sellers who try and sell us ludicrously-priced dusters etc etc. The JWs are very nicely told "thanks but no thanks". I always feel guilty (and slightly sympathetic) when it happens. It can't be very pleasant having doors shut on you, day after day.


My Dad is not religious, but has a different attitude than most to the JWs. His take is that they are generously giving up their own time to try and "save" him - as they believe. Therefore he has never turned them away from the doorstep and has always shown them the courtesy of listening to what they have to say and then discussing this with them. The alarming things is, it is always the JWs that end up making their excuses and leaving!


Firm and Fruity
I don't know anything about their beliefs but they always seem polite, unlike the aggressive packs of household goods sellers who try and sell us ludicrously-priced dusters etc etc. The JWs are very nicely told "thanks but no thanks". I always feel guilty (and slightly sympathetic) when it happens. It can't be very pleasant having doors shut on you, day after day.
And they are genuinely trying to help you avoid eternal damnation. That’s why I’m never rude to them.

I worked with a lovely lady who would never eat the office birthday cake because JWs don’t do birthdays.


Senior Member
I kind of like them, at least they're not after my money and don't want to have sex with me unlike the Internet doorsteppers I fend off on a daily basis. The Church isn't so good to any of its followers rebellious enough to deviate from the Script, so I try to be nice.

One time I invited a JW in and he started in to telling me how wicked he'd been before he saw The Light, having been a Teddy Boy. I said how much I love rock&roll and we talked about nothing but rock&roll without hesitation, deviation or repetition till he suddenly realised what he was supposed to be doing. As my chances of being Saved were clearly minimal, he made his excuses and left. Still wearing the imaginary drape jacket of his seat-slashing youth.

He didn't return, but the following week the Church instead sent a pair of very beautiful young women. I don't remember what we talked about.

Another time I was playing in a crap covers band and got a gig at a private party. We learned that it was a JH event after we'd set up and were not looking forward but they were actually one of the happiest and most appreciative audiences we'd had, they all -young and old - danced with some abandonment throughout the two sets like they'd never heard a Rammstein tribute band before.

OK, I lied about Rammstein. It was lightweight MOR reggae. Hey, nobody's perfect.
Never had a letter but we were called upon by JWs while staying at a villa in the Portuguese mountains of the algarve. Up a long drive, well away from the road. Two years in a row! I was tempted, second year, to tell them we were planning a Satanic mass that evening if they wanted to call back
I live in the middle of nowhere and they call. Once they called when a friend was round, he asked them if they had any colouring books. A document wallet with A4 line drawings of innocuous scenes like Jonah and the whale, King Solomons judgements comes out.
My friend stupidly asked the lady if she had any adult material to colour in such as unbelievers being assailed by pestilence and burning in eternal fire.
I stopped him and pointed out that the witnesses did not believe in hell, they compensated by believing in total annihilation of unbelievers and he could save his orange and red crayons for another day.
I interviewed two witnesses a couple of years ago, not for a job, just a vox pop interview in my house when I was bored.
The older ones have definitely heard all the jokes and insults, the ones you know and the ones you never would even think of.
The one thing they struggle with is thorough knowledge of the Bible, they only know what their own brand says and regularly misrepresents.
They would still be rocking up every two months if it wasn't for the blessed covid.
My neighbour says he considered setting up a nazi regalia shrine and inviting them in to admire it.

Smokin Joe

Legendary Member
We had a letter from our mob at the start of lockdown with a phone number to call if we wanted to discuss things with them. They haven't called at the house for years as they got fed up with a "No thanks" gesture through the glass porch door.

I don't buy the stuff about them being "Nice people". Like all religions they are only like that towards non members, once they have got hold of you they become the vicious, intolerant control freaks they really are. I have no time for any of them and their preposterous fantasies.


Senior Member
I interviewed two witnesses a couple of years ago, not for a job, just a vox pop interview in my house when I was bored.
The older ones have definitely heard all the jokes and insults, the ones you know and the ones you never would even think of.
The one thing they struggle with is thorough knowledge of the Bible, they only know what their own brand says and regularly misrepresents.

Thank you for reminding me of this:
View: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4072sa


Perhaps This One.....
Yes, SWMBO folks are both witnesses, so we thought it was connected to that, we normally get the same door knockers every month.


Über Member
I have not had them visit for about three years. The last time I was doorstepped by them they tried to palm me off with a copy of the Watchtower, I made the suggestion that I would take a copy and read it so long as she would take my copy of The Blind Watchmaker by Dawkins or Why Evolution Is True by Jerry Coyne, her reply was she was not allowed to read such material, so I politely turned down her offer of material to line the cats litter tray.


Senior Member
I have not had them visit for about three years. The last time I was doorstepped by them they tried to palm me off with a copy of the Watchtower, I made the suggestion that I would take a copy and read it so long as she would take my copy of The Blind Watchmaker by Dawkins or Why Evolution Is True by Jerry Coyne, her reply was she was not allowed to read such material, so I politely turned down her offer of material to line the cats litter tray.

That's interesting - she actually gave her reason as 'not allowed to'. I guess it's honest at least.
Next time I'm offered the Watchtower I'll say I'm not allowed to read it :-)
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