Ridiculous, BBC one and two broadcasting a four hour Philip special, the exact same programme at the exact same time and it's being repeated until breakfast time tomorrow on both channels. That's complete overkill. Where's the balance, lots will want to watch it, lots won't.
I don't like being shovel fed stuff in this manner. BBC radio is the same. No other news on the world at one, same on pm and I'll bet the guests on any questions tonight are not the original panel. ITV have done the same. At least channel four still have normal schedule programmes with a few Philip specials thrown in.
Yes it's sad, he was a seemingly decent man but it's not going to affect me in any way other than the fawning media coverage wrecking my schedule.
It certainly deserves a lot of attention and broadcasting but this is ridiculous.
Agree with virtually all of this. What a bizarre, weird country we live in when the four main TV channels have wall to wall coverage of the death of a privileged man. An hour's documentary would be overkill, this is embarrassing.
I don't think it should be given any more attention than the death of any other person. How many people die as a result of inequality and a hundred other things that coverage shining a light could help us do something about? But no, we're fed this guff by the establishment to keep us in thrall to the elite and as if they're some special, virtuous breed.
Anyone outside of his family/friends who are upset or bothered about this (other than feeling a bit sorry for the queen and his family) are just plain weird.
I remember following Princess Diana's death that if you weren't dressed in widow's weeds and showing how upset you were 24/7 you were made to feel like some sort of pariah.
The fawning, sycophantic, insanely over the top coverage is nauseating, repulsive, vile. I'm not watching, listening or reading the news for at least a fortnight. And I've cancelled my TV licence.