Should I report this guy? (vid)

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Legendary Member
blazed said:
He barely entered the markings, but he had no choice since there was a parked car and dithering cyclist in the way. And yes it was safe to enter the markings.

Safe for the driver, certainly - but not for the cyclist.


New Member
Do you think he works for Hlafords?


Über Member
That was unforgivably close with absolutely no consideration for your speed or space given to overtake the parked car.

A bus came that close to me two weeks ago while overtaking in a ridiculous place and I was so shaken I pulled over for two minutes to calm down. I then caught up with him, took his bus number gave him a piece f my mind and rang the bus company, which took it very seriously.

Report that f***er.


Active Member
Looked very scary, glad you were OK. As for signalling to go round parked cars, I was taught to do this when I learnt to drive. However, when husband learnt last year the "rules" have changed and you are not required to indicate - assumption is if there is something stopped of course you are going to go round it, and it can cause confusion if there are roads to the right. So I would guess same goes for cyclists.


Wheeledweenie said:
That was unforgivably close with absolutely no consideration for your speed or space given to overtake the parked car.

A bus came that close to me two weeks ago while overtaking in a ridiculous place and I was so shaken I pulled over for two minutes to calm down. I then caught up with him, took his bus number gave him a piece f my mind and rang the bus company, which took it very seriously.

Report that f***er.
Well done you could well of cost the man his job because of one harmless mistake.


Taking the biscuit
blazed said:
Well done you could well of cost the man a cyclist his job life because of one harmless mistake.

The truck is going too fast to react and is essentially driving down the center of the road. It is not the duty of everyone else on the road to get out of his way.

The OP had two choices, to be bullied out of the way or to have signaled early seeing the truck approach, and pulled out to hold the lane.

This is perfectly acceptable riding and exactly what we teach with Bikeability.


Über Member
blazed said:
Well done you could well of cost the man his job because of one harmless mistake.

You're right, poor him. Does that mean if I'm crap at my job I should be allowed to get away with it? My boss may not agree.

The bus in question nearly crushed me and two cars behind nearly collided because of his erratic driving. If I nearly hit someone on my bike and it's my fault I would expect to be reported. It goes both ways.

Oh and the bus company said the driver would get a formal interview and possibly a written warning. It may be his final one leading to him being fired but that would indicate he had been consistently dangerous.


Cycling in the sun
blazed said:
Well done you could well of cost the man his job because of one harmless mistake.

What if the cyclist hadn't looked back and had simply pulled out around the car - I see loads do that every day. I think the lorry driver was going too fast to have done anything other than hit him or one of the parked cars or perhaps the on coming car. It was not a harmless mistake - it was a mistake that had a lucky outcome not through the actions of the lorry driver. He at least needs to have some additional training.

tdr1nka said:
The OP had two choices, to be bullied out of the way or to have signaled early seeing the truck approach, and pulled out to hold the lane.

To be honest I don't think I would have wanted to be in front of that lorry - I think he made the right choice to stay put.


Taking the biscuit
The truck gave the OP little choice but to stay put.

Another long look behind before starting to pull round the car might have prevented the shock of the pass, nothing would have stopped the overtake at that point.
Report. No question.

I have had some scary incidents (not many I should add. The majority are more of an annoyance). However, that one was an absolute shocker!:biggrin::troll:!

I've seen a lot of cyclists who would just move to the left on approach to a obstacle without looking back. Obviously you wouldn't do that, but some do. Imagine if you had been one of those would be flattened!:troll:

You need to stress to the police the shock and fear you felt as a result of that overtake.

Oh and I think the registration is probably FE51XJA. Someone could possibly confirm if that HGV was a FODEN ALPHA 3000.

As for Blazed :sad:. His comments and writing style seem vaguely familiar to me....

As for Blazed :biggrin:. His comments and writing style seem vaguely familiar to me....


Bird Saviour
report it.

had a similar thing happen to me the other day. was riding along happily when i hear a HGV horn, look behind, HGV bearing down on me and i realise the reason he is sounding his horn is because there is a yellow middle road bollard coming up and he has absolutely no intention of slowing down to let me go first (it was totally my right of way, i would have got there first) and had i not made an emergency stop because he sounded his horn he would have had me. so i say report it. it's disgusting that he has just used the sheer size of his truck to dominate the road.


Bird Saviour
summerdays said:
As the video starts with a look behind we have no idea whether he had already looked behind before that point, the lorry seemed to be approaching at quite a speed given the parked cars up ahead, an on coming car and a cyclist, so may have been quite a bit further back if the OP had looked behind earlier. I would say that the speed of the lorry was inappropriate given that he didn't know what the cyclist or car driver were going to do - effectively he bullied his way through on account of size.


the lorry should have slowed. it's pretty obvious the cyclist is "likely" to get to the parked car before the whole length of the lorry has chance to fully pass and therefore the cyclist should have right of way. it is not the lorries right to force the cyclist to slow down or take action.

and for the record, often on camera things look further away that they usually are, not closer.


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
blazed said:
but he didn't really do anything wrong.

Have you got bored of the LBS thread and decided to troll this one now ?

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