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Senior Member
It's ok Nigel, there is beer in the fridge, so that helps.:tongue: I have just completely wimped out and ordered a 'Kool-Stop jack' to assist me in the future. I swear that anyone who can fit Marathon+ tyres is a far, far better man than I will ever be.

It's all good now and the sun is gonna shine tomorrow. Ok, I will be walking the bike home, but it will be sunny.:laugh:

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I've lost the will to live! I changed my tyres today to Marathon +... and oh my God, what a farce! Every time I do this, I end up with a back-ache, several burst inner tubes, broken tyre levers and a general hated of cycling! It was hell, sheer and utter hell getting those damned things on the rims...and I just know when I go out tomorrow the inner tube will explode, it always does. I'm useless, absolutely totally and utterly useless at putting these tyres on, or in fact any sort of cycle maintenance at all. :tongue:

That sounds like me. I hate tube changing so much that i do not attempt it. I pay someone else to do it.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Pay me last time took me 30 mins to change both tyres and replace tubes, including removal and refit of wheels
If i had your services on tap i would do!:smile: The lad in my LBS can change a tube in about 5 minutes, though it has taken him about 10 minutes with Marathon Plus's in the past. Hopefully i'm off to St Annes tomorrow (60 mile there and back) to see my mum. I'll be on the bike that has 28mm Marathon Plus's fitted. A) for the bumpy cycle route. B) for the puncture protection. I hope i'm ok.
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Todays job brakes, ordered on Thurs from High on Bikes 2nd class arrived this morning ^_^

Old Steve

Active Member
It just go's to show that if you stick at something there will be an improvement, In time. I got my first bike since being a kid about 12 weeks ago ( am now a few days away from 56 now ) so that was a long time without riding a bike, I had been on a diet for a few weeks but got the bike to help the cause. The first few rides were a killer, but in the last 12 weeks I have managed to ride over 1200 miles and coupled with a good diet the weight is falling of ( was 15 ish stone, now 12 stone.. 12 weeks riding and a few weeks dieting before I got the bike ) I am now totally addicted and going further afield with my rides and really enjoying it, the weight that I have lost and the exercise that I am doing has made a massive difference to my back and knee pain which has now all but gone. Also I find that I am looking for hills ( all be it small ones ) so as I can hopefully improve my hill climbing ( this mornings effort below was a bit bumpy, but good fun)
Anyway for anyone that is just starting with cycling stick at it and it won't take long to see and feel an improvement... Oh yeah factor in some extra money for new clothes as the old ones get too big quite quickly..
Whats the betting it will rain in the next 9 hrs and I will be out in it, why you ask well new chain has arrived and from experience I know what the weather will do.
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Well it didn't yesterday, but it is this morning and I have to go out. So much for the mirror's we are heading back to a heatwave, bit like their story and the werewolf down the road near Hull and they get their facts wrong about when the last wolf disappeared in this country, typical rag.
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